The secret ring: Freud's inner circle and the politics of psychoanalysis (Unknown Binding) by Grosskurth, Phyllis
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The secret ring: Freud's inner circle and the politics of psychoanalysis (Unknown Binding)

Grosskurth, Phyllis
The secret ring: Freud's inner circle and the politics of psychoanalysis (Unknown Binding)
ISBN: 0201090376
Book Number: 57240
Addison-Wesley 1991 8vo hardcover 245pp index, b/w illus. very good / very good d/w. From Kirkus Reviews Aided by previously undisclosed correspondence, Grosskurth (Havelock Ellis, 1980, etc.; Humanities and Psychoanalytic Thought/Univ. of Toronto) takes the story of the brilliant, wildly neurotic men who contrived to safeguard Freudian thought and turns it into an intriguing psychological saga-cum-tragicomedy of manners. The Secret Committee, conceived in 1912 as a united front against the apostasy of Carl Jung and sealed by Freud's bestowal of antique intaglios, became, notes Grosskurth, a metaphor for the psychoanalytic movement itself...a cult of personality with Freud acting as both guru and distant, demanding father. Avidly submitting one another (and assorted romantic interests) to frequently scathing and self-justifying formal and informal analyses, Austrians Otto Rank and Hans Sachs, Hungarian Sandor Ferenczi, German Karl Abraham, and Welshman Ernest Jones, joined later by Russian-born German Max Eitingon, functioned as surrogate sons within a strikingly dysfunctional family--marked by sabotage, manipulation, and aggressively infantile jostling. Treating her story as a study of group pathology, Grosskurth uses pointed quotes to show how all of her subjects, especially Freud, used jargon as a cover for real feeling. Sadder still was the adored Freud's puzzling lack of support (he refused to be ``burdened'' by the ideas of others) and human empathy (e.g., failing to comprehend the sensitive Ferenczi's sorrow at his mother's death). Inevitably, as Freud predicted in Totem and Taboo, the anointed sons went their own ways, with, ironically, Freud's biological child, Anna, emerging as his staunchest defender.
Keywords: Freud Sigmund 1856 1939 The secret ring Freud's inner circle and the politics of psychoanalysis (Unknown Binding) Grosskurth Phyllis
Price: $18.00