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There are 160 books in this catalogue.
Eight Steps to Happiness: the Buddhist way of loving kindness
Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang
Book Number: 63018
ISBN: 9780948006623
Publisher: Tharpa Publications 2009.
8vo. softcover. 344pp. index. b/w illus. Very good.

Price: $10.00

Joyful Path of Good Fortune: The Complete Buddhist Path to Enlightenment
Gyatso, Geshe Kelsang
Book Number: 63019
ISBN: 9780948006463
Publisher: Tharpa Publications 2009.
8vo. softcover. 644pp. index. b/w illus. Very good.

Price: $12.00

The Man Born to be King. A Play-Cycle on the Life of Our Lord and Saviour JESUS CHRIST
Sayers, Dorothy L.
Book Number: 32649
Publisher: London: Gollancz, 1943.
8vo. hardcover. 343pp. very good, foxing to outer page edges. / good+ d/w, foxed, chipped top of spine.

Price: $25.00

With the Three Masters (3 volume set)
Ram, Rai Sahib Munshi
Book Number: 41535
Publisher: Radha Soami Satsang Beas 1967
8vo hardcovers. pp.240,216,273. good-very good. volume 3 front board bent & missing jacket spine, volume 1 & 2very good in good, chipped jackets.

Price: $40.00

Psalms of David
Jones, Owen
Book Number: 44313
ISBN: 1853269255
Publisher: Wordsworth Editions Ltd 1989
Folio hardcover 160pp colour illus. very good / very good d/w.

Price: $25.00

Varieties of English Preaching 1900-1960
Davies, Horton
Book Number: 3828
Publisher: SCM 1963 first edition.
Very Good, no d/w. Orange cloth spine on boards.

Price: $15.00

Krishnamurti. A Biography
Jayakar, Pupul
Book Number: 61084
ISBN: 0062504045
Publisher: Harper & Row, San Francisco 1988
8vo. softcover. 516pp. index, b/w illus. Very good.

Price: $15.00

Encounters With God In Medieval And Early Modern English Poetry
Clutterbuck, Charlotte
Book Number: 44667
ISBN: 075465270X
Publisher: Ashgate Publishing 2005
8vo illustrated boards, hardcover 226pp. Fine. Inscribed & signed by author. Engaging with four English poems or groups of poems - the anonymous medieval Crucifixion lyrics; William Langland's "Piers Plowman", John Donne's "Divine Poems", and John Milton's "Paradise Lost" - this book examines the nature of poetic encounter with God. At the same time, the author makes original contributions to the discussion of critical dilemmas in the study of each poem or group of poems. The main linguistic focus of this book is on the nature of dialogue with God in religious poetry, an area much neglected by grammarians and often overlooked in studies of literary style. It constitutes an important contribution to our understanding of the relationship between literature and theology.

Price: $35.00

Besant, Annie
Book Number: 58425
Publisher: London, Theosophical Publishing Society 1910.
12mo. Brown cloth, thin, theosophical Manuals no 2. Good. Stamped by theosophical society sydney, with some marks, rubbing to spine and some wear to cloth.

Price: $20.00

Lectures To Children, Familiarly Illustrating Important Truth First Series & Second Series
Todd, John
Book Number: 39702
Publisher: London, Routledge & Sons. n.d. revised edition.
8vo dec. red cloth, gilt titles & dec. 164pp, 152pp, 2 colour frontis, b/w illus. very good, front hinge cracked, spine faded. Both first & second series bound together.

Price: $35.00

The Popular History of Methodism
Telford, John
Book Number: 45858
Publisher: Charles H. Kelly, London 1899 Third Edition
8vo. Blue stamped cloth with coloured engraving on front board. Spine toned. Stamped with po stamp on end pages and some pages through the book. Includes the Preparations for Methodism, The Evangelist of England, Methodism since Wesley's Death

Price: $75.00

The Korean Pentecost and the Sufferings Which Followed
Blair, William
Book Number: 45892
ISBN: 0851512445
Publisher: The Banner of Truth Trust May 1977
8vo softcover 168pp very good. The Korean Christian phenomenon which Kenneth Scott Latourette confessed himself to at a loss to explain, is certainly one of the most sriking lessons in all Christian History. Amidst wars, foreign occupations and battling ideologies, the Protestant Church in Korea has in less than 100 years grown from a handful to some two and a half million.

Price: $30.00

The Holy Bible containing The Old and New Testaments Translated out of the Original Tongues and with The Former Translations Diligently Compared and Revised By His Majesty's Special Command

Book Number: 57982
Publisher: Cowan & Company, Edinburgh 1854
12mo. Leather. raised spine, gilt decoration to cover, gilt page edges. Presented to John Hambleton De Putron on his departure from Sydney to the Fitzroy Gold Fields, in 1858

Price: $65.00

A Flight of Sparrows - one of the stories the G.I.'s left behind
Blackmore, James H.
Book Number: 52962
ISBN: 07855325
Publisher: Edwards and Broughton 1978
8vo. Softcover. 156pp. Very good, covers rubbed, po name on ffl. On a late sumer day in 1950, an America by the name of Tom Powell got off a sight-seeing bus at the English village of Bouton-on-the-Water for a "tea break". he was met by an English lad who was looking for :an american daddy." Although he was not father of the boy, Tom impulsively decided he would try to fill the place left vacant by the other G.I. of World War II. The mother was lovely and lonely, and she easily fell in love with this "replacement". But Tom and Rosaline were kept apart by that ghostlover. What happened to the other soldier who promised to return but who never did? Tom realized that before he could have this desirable woman as his wife, he would have to find out about Joe Anderson. This is the story of that search and of what Tom found was happening to the G.I. Joes of World War II. Pathos, humor and surprise are experienced in his mission and in the journey Tom himself is changed.

Price: $8.00

The Third Testament--Livets Bog 1
Book Number: 42154
ISBN: 8757506019
Publisher: Martinus Institut Copenhagen 1987
4to softcover 292pp. very good, bottom corner bumped.

Price: $55.00

The Silence of Pius XII.
Falconi, Carlo
Book Number: 5569
Publisher: Faber & Faber , London. 1970. first edition
8vo. cloth hardcover. 430pp. index. + b/w plates. a near fine copy with some very minor foxing on top outside edge. / very good+ d/wsmall crease top of spine, faded spine. A very nice copy. Scarce UK edition

Price: $75.00

Memoirs of the Life and Gospel labours of the Late Wheeler, a Minister of the Society Of Friends.
Wheeler, Daniel
Book Number: 52025
Publisher: Harvey & darnton London, 1842.
8vo. hardcover. 793pp. Good, spine split on sides, wear to spine ends.

Price: $55.00

Australian Welsh Hymn Book - Selected Favourite Hymns of Wales
Compiled by St. David's Welsh Society of Brisbane
Book Number: 40064
ISBN: 0731647858
Publisher: Brisbane, The Society 1988
4to. Laminated pictoral wrappers. Includes 120 Welsh Hymns. For medium voice and keyboard. English and Welsh parallel texts with music. Indexes. Scarce.

Price: $55.00

MINUTES TO REMEMBER A History of the Epping Congregational Church
Pulsford, Douglas
Book Number: 24270
Publisher: Sydney. Printed by Collins Bros. 1963.
8vo. maroon cloth hardcover. 79pp. b/w illus. very good+.

Price: $12.00

SHIMPU-SAN. Healer of Hate. The Life of Father Tony Glynn, S.M., M.B.E., Order of Australia, Order of Rising Sun.
Brigginshaw, Jim
Book Number: 23995
Publisher: Marist Fathers' Province of Australia, 1996
8vo. fine in d/w, illustrated with B&w photos. 184pp. Tony Glynn spent forty-two years in Japan in the Marist mission, his work gaining him the love and respect of the locals and decorations from three governments. Rebuilding Japan after WWII.

Price: $15.00

A Star in the East: Krishnamurti and the Invention of a Messiah
Vernon, Roland
Book Number: 49106
ISBN: 0094764808
Publisher: Constable September 28, 2000
8vo Hardcover in d/w. 320pp near fine. Illustrated with photo's. Discovered as a young boy in the early years of the 20th century, Krishnamurti was proclaimed a new world leader by Members of the Theosophical Society and, by the 1920s, was attracting worldwide press attention. Idealists, spiritual adventurers, intellectuals and philosopher alike flocked to his talks in their thousands, drawn to the idea of a new golden age and an esoteric Eastern saviour. Later Krishnamurti experienced a mysterious conversation, rejected the Theosophical Society that had moulded his identity and began to teach as a secular philosopher of spiritual nature, but with no affiliation to any sect. He rejected any claims to being a Messiah and indeed proved himself as capable of human weakness which gave rise to sexual scandal and accusations of chicanery. Krishnamurti died in 1986 having founded seven schools, published fifty books and toured the world talking and teaching.

Price: $18.00

Letters On Islam Written By a Father in Prison to His Son
Jamali, Mohammad Fadhel
Book Number: 45608
Publisher: Oxford University Press 1965
8vo. softcover. 108pp. Very good, front cover creased.

Price: $10.00

Upasana: In the Presence of the Divine: From the Teachings of Swami Sivananda Saraswati and Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Swami Satyananda Saraswati, Swami Sivananda Saraswati
Book Number: 60908
Publisher: Published by Yoga Publications Trust / Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, Bihar, India 2007
8vo. Softcover. 258pp. Very Good. How can I discover the ultimate Truth within myself?How can I attain liberation while living in the world? The teachings contained in this book were expounded by two contemporary masters of the yoga tradition.Swami Sivananda Saraswati and his disciple,Swami Satyananda Saraswati.All aspects of this path of upasana,including types and modes of upasana,relationship with the divine,use of mantras and symbols,form and formless worship,tree worship,service and yajna are described.The principles and practices offered here can be used by all aspirants to this spiritual path.

Price: $15.00

Modern Scepticism - a Course of Lectures Delivered at the Request of the Christian Evidence Society
Ellicott, C. J., D.D.
Book Number: 48474
Publisher: Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1876
8vo. brown cloth hardcover. 344pp. Good, foxing, cover chipped at spine ends.

Price: $25.00

Self and Self-Transformation in the History of Religions
Shulman, David
Book Number: 48530
ISBN: 0195148169
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA 2002
8vo softcover 268pp index. very good. This book brings together scholars of a variety of the world's major civilizations to focus on the universal theme of inner transformation. The idea of the "self" is a cultural formation like any other, and models and conceptions of the inner world of the person vary widely from one civilization to another. Nonetheless, all the world's great religions insist on the need to transform this inner world. Such transformations, often ritually enacted, reveal the primary intuitions, drives, and conflicts active within the culture. The individual essays study dramatic examples of these processes in a wide range of cultures, including China, India, Tibet, Greece and Rome, Late Antiquity, Islam, Judaism, and medieval and early-modern Christian Europe.

Price: $18.00

Rikhiapeeth Satsangs
Swami Satyananda Saraswati
Book Number: 60907
ISBN: 9788186336663
Publisher: Published by Yoga Publications Trust / Bihar School of Yoga, Munger, Bihar, India
8vo. Softcover. 98pp. Very Good. rikhiapeeth satsangs the satsangs exemplify sri swamijis liberal, compassionate andpractical views on a broad range of subjects, including ashramlife, guru-disciple relationsjip, sannyasa, the cosmic mother,kanya worship, anna daan, children, awakening of the consciousness,yoga, poverty, purushartha, destiny, opening the heart and thefuture vision of rikhiapeeth about the author: swami satyananda swami satyananda was born at almora, uttar pradesh, in 1923 in1943 he met swarmi sivananda in rishikesh, where he lived as asannyasin for the next 12 years swami satyananda founded theinternational yoga fellowship in 1956 and the bihar school of yogain 1963 over the next 20 years he toured internationally andauthored over 80 books in 1984 he founded sivananda math, acharitable institutions for aiding rural development, and the yogaresearch foundation in 1988 he adopted kshetra sannyasa andsettled in rikhia, jharkhand, where he now lives as a paramahamsasannyasin

Price: $12.00

The Kitchen Chronicles 1001 lunches with J Krishnamurti
Krohnen, Michael
Book Number: 61088
Publisher: Penguin 1997
8vo. softcover. 301pp. colour & b/w illus. Very good, light crease to cover corner.

Price: $25.00

The Clash of Fundamentalisms: Crusades, Jihads and Modernity [ILLUSTRATED]
Ali, Tariq
Book Number: 59856
Publisher: Verso April 2002
8vo Hardcover in d/w. 342pp very good, po name on ffl. This wide ranging book blends history, literature, politics and autobiography to challenge the conformist culture of our times. Ali argues that many of the values proclaimed by the Enlightenment retain their relevance, while portrayals of the American Empire as a new emancipatory project are fatally misguided.

Price: $15.00

The New Spirituality: An Introduction to Progressive Belief in the Twenty-first Century
Lynch, Gordon
Book Number: 50704
ISBN: 1845114140
Publisher: I. B. Tauris June 12, 2007
8vo softcover 192pp near fine. Much attention has been given in recent writings about religion to fundamentalism and the 'religious right'. But much less attention has been given to their opposite - the emergence of a new generation of progressive religious thinkers and organisations on the 'religious left'. The New Spirituality is one of the first books to give a comprehensive and authoritative account of this burgeoning progressive religious movement. It offers a clear and engaging analysis of the cultural roots, key ideas and organisational structures of this new faith, assessing its significance in the changing moral and religious landscape of contemporary western society.

Price: $12.00

Prayer Flags - The Life and Spiritual Songs of Jigten Sumgon
Sumgon, Jigten - Translated by Khenpo Rinpoche Konchog Gyaltsen
Book Number: 50860
Publisher: Tibetan Meditation Center, 1984
8vo. Softcover. 55pp. Contents includes, Foreward and Introduction, The Life of Jigten Sumgon, Vajra Sons of Jigten Sumgon, 8 stories, The Fivefold Profound Path of Mahamudra, The Practice of the Essence of Tantric Teaching, 8 Stories, Glossary.

Price: $10.00

The Dead Sea Scrolls: A New Translation
Wise, Michael; Martin Abegg Jr; Edward Cook
Book Number: 51758
Publisher: Sydney: Hodder & Stoughton 1996
Hardcover. 513pp. index, very good+, very good+ d/w.

Price: $22.00

Selected Discourses of Webu Sayadaw
Sayadaw, Webu. translated by Bischoff, Roger
Book Number: 52304
Publisher: International Meditation Centres 1992
8vo. softcover. 252pp. b/w illus. Very good.

Price: $14.00

The Sufi Science of Self-Realization: A Guide to the Seventeen Ruinous Traits, the Ten Steps to Discipleship, and the Six Realities of the Heart
Kabbani, Shaykh Muhammad Hisham
Book Number: 56318
ISBN: 193040929X
Publisher: Fons Vitae, 2006.
8vo. softcover. 244pp. Near Fine.

Price: $25.00

The Gift of Years - Growing Old Gracefully
Chittister, Joan
Book Number: 59601
ISBN: 978933346406
Publisher: Blue Bridge Books 2010
8vo. Softcover. 222pp. Very good. Not only accepting but celebrating getting old, this inspirational and illuminating work looks at the many facets of the aging process, from purposes and challenges to struggles and surprises.

Price: $11.00

The Long Search - His Own Account of a Three-Year Journey
Eyre Ronald
Book Number: 3615
London: BBC, 1979. Brown cloth. 284pp. 8to. Illust. Very good condition in a good d/w with slight wear at extremities.

Price: $12.00

Book Number: 2921
Publisher: William Heinemann, London, 1992
184pp, fine in d/w - unclipped

Price: $12.00

The Mabilles Of Basutoland
Smith, Edwin W.
Book Number: 21048
Publisher: London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1939
8vo. hardcover. 382pp. index. b/w illus, endpaper maps. very good, light foxing to endpapers. / good, chipped d/w. , two small tears.

Price: $15.00

The Quakers Their Story and Message
Brayshaw, A. Neave
Book Number: 36376
Publisher: George Allen and Unwin. 1946
8vo. hardcover. 365pp. index. very good, page edges & endpapers foxed. / no d/w.

Price: $12.00

The Haggadah - A New Edition with English Translation, Introduction and Notes
Roth, Cecil
Book Number: 31147
Publisher: London, The Soncino Press 1934
tall 8vo. New translation with intro and notes. Illustrated by Donia Nachshen. Cloth Spine on buff Illustrated boards. All the illustrations are two tone line drawings. Solid copy with foxed prelims., and pages marked from use, wear to spine.

Price: $15.00

The Quest for Enlightenment: Articles from Back to Godhead Magazine
Prabhupada, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Book Number: 31885
ISBN: 0892132922
Publisher: Los Angeles Bhaktivedanta Book Trust 1997
8vo hardcover 272pp colour illus. very good. At the dawn of time Brahma sat in trance, seeking inspiration to create the universe. "Who am I?" he wondered. "Where have I come from? What should I do?" Then the Supreme Being, Krishna, revealed Himself, flooding Brahma's heart with transcendental knowledge. Passed down since Brahma's time through an unbroken chain of gurus and disciples, that same profound knowledge is ours in "The Quest for Enlightenment."

Price: $10.00

Pebbles on the Road: A Collection of Zen Stories and Paintings
Cassettari, Stephen
Book Number: 31955
ISBN: 0207177201
Publisher: Angus & Robertson 1992
Small 8vo hardcover 48pp, b/w illus. very good / very good d/w. This volume draws on Zen thought to provide a source of inspiration for those on the road of daily existence. The stories, poems, fables and sayings are taken from traditional sources, and from the author's own philosophy. They are complemented with ink paintings in classic oriental style which reveal meanings that are beyond words. Stephen Cassettari has also written "Chinese Brush Painting" and "Chinese Landscape Painting Techniques". nnCustomer Reviews

Price: $8.00

Srimad Bhagavatam second canto part one
Prabhupada, A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Book Number: 30963
Publisher: The Bhaktivedant Book Trust 1978.
8vo. hardcover. 427pp. colour plates. very good. / fair d/w chipped along top edge.' '

Price: $15.00

The Private Sea: LSD And The Search For God.
Braden, William
Book Number: 28571
Publisher: London: Pall Mall Press, 1967.
8vo. hardcover. 255pp. index, very good, owner's name on fep. / good+, chipped d/w.

Price: $15.00

The Wish-Fulfilling Tree
Mazzoleni, Mario
Book Number: 57584
ISBN: 8172082924
Publisher: Sri Sathya Sai Books & Publication Trust, 2005.
8vo. softcover. 356pp. Very good, cover creased.

Price: $15.00

Talks & Dialogues Saanen 1967
Krishnamurti, J.
Book Number: 61099
Publisher: Stanmore Press, London 1969
8vo. softcover. 248pp. Very good, light foxing to endpapers.

Price: $18.00

Talks & Dialogues Saanen 1968
Krishnamurti, J.
Book Number: 61098
Publisher: Stanmore Press, London 1970
8vo. softcover. 195pp. Very good, light foxing to endpapers.

Price: $18.00

The Collected Works of Venerable Master Chin Kung
Kung, Chin
Book Number: 36216
8vo. softcover. 593pp. near fine.

Price: $15.00

Tracking the Dalai Lama
Tolbert, Steve
Book Number: 55952
ISBN: 1864470348
8vo. softcover. 138pp. Very good.

Price: $12.00

The Impossible Question
Krishnamurti, J.
Book Number: 61096
ISBN: 057501556X
Publisher: Gollancz, London 1972.
8vo. hardcover. 288pp. Good+, tape marks on endpapers. / Very good d/w.

Price: $22.00

Krishnamurti and the Experience of the Silent Mind
Dhopeshwarkar, A.D. [Krishnamurti]
Book Number: 61094
Publisher: Chetana, Bombay 1956.
8vo. hardcover. 177pp. Very good, tape marks on endpapers. / Very good d/w.

Price: $25.00

A Second Chance: The Story of a Near-Death Experience
Prabhupada, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Book Number: 39747
ISBN: 089213271X
Publisher: Bhaktivedanta Book Trust 1991
8vo hardcover 208pp colour illus. very good, pages browned.

Price: $12.00

Commentaries on Living: Second Series - from the Notebooks of J. Krishnamurti
Rajagopal, D editor) [Krishnamurti]
Book Number: 61093
Publisher: Gollancz, London 1959.
8vo. hardcover. 254pp. Good+, foxing on endpapers. / Very good, lightly foxed d/w.

Price: $12.00

Touching the Soul of Islam
Musk, Bill A.
Book Number: 40737
ISBN: 1854243179
Publisher: Marc 1995
8vo softcover 256pp very good.

Price: $8.00

Beginnings of Learning
Krishnamurti, J.
Book Number: 61090
ISBN: 057501928x
Publisher: Gollancz, London 1973.
8vo. hardcover. 254pp. colour illus. Very good. / Very good d/w.

Price: $25.00

Krishnamurti, The Years of Awakening
Lutyens, Mary [Krishnamurti]
Book Number: 61089
ISBN: 0719532299
Publisher: John Murray London 1975.
8vo. hardcover. 327pp. index, b/w illus. Very good. / Very good d/w.

Price: $25.00

Reincarnation: A Universal Truth
Grewal, Sadhu Balwant Singh (ed.)
Book Number: 28422
Publisher: Detroit, MI: Grewal, 1967.
8vo softcover 160pp. very good, inscribed by Grewal.

Price: $12.00

Golden Guru
Gordon, James S
Book Number: 26950
ISBN: 0828906300
Publisher: S Greene Press, N.Y. 1987
8vo hardcover 248pp index, b/w illus. very good, remainder mark front edge / very good d/w. From Publisher's Weekly - Publishers Weekly: Gordon speculates that Indian guru Rajneesh owned 93 Rolls Royces as a clever reminder to his disciples that the whole of existence is just a play, a game. That woolly thought is fairly typical of the twaddle that weighs down this firsthand report by an NIMH psychiatrist who tracked the laconic holy man for 13 years, from Poona, India to his communal ranch in Antelope, Ore. In India, Gordon found the movement ``in many ways sensible and attractive'' while recognizing the physical violence and coercion that were common occurrences. His sojourn to Rajneeshpuram in Oregon yields a grisly tale of paranoia among disciples, attempted poisonings and ruthless manipulation by the swami's assistant, Ma Anand Sheela. Gordon's conflicted stance, a mixture of admiration and disillusion, reverence and dismay, is immoderate in light of the episodes he describes. (August 25)nnFrom Martin E. Marty - The New York Times Book Reviewn'The Golden Guru' reads like a fast-paced novel. Dr. Gordon has a fine sense of place. . . . Along the way the author takes notes and passes them on in a teacherly fashion. . . . The first half of the book initially looks like awide-eyed tour of what promised to be utopia . . . while the second seems to be an eyes-wide-open visit to dystopia, after the disintegration of personalities and the dispersal of the community. A second reading, however, shows Dr. Gordon to be both wary and sympathetic from the first and, amazingly, still sympathetic in the second half of the book, as he reports on what happened afterthe dream had turned to ashes, the evils had been exposed.nnFrom Beryl Lieff Benderly - Psychology Todayn{Gordon} ably locates both Rajneesh's teachings in the larger context of the Western human-potential movement and the bizarre happenings at Poona and Oregon in the framework of psychiatric thinking. Still, despite much interesting information and theory he also leaves much unexplained. With the same self-centeredness that characterized the whole Rajneeshee enterprise, he focuses his book on his own, rather peripheral, experience of Rajneesh. . . . Ultimately we learn rather too much about Gordon and rather too little about the astounding phenomenon of mass surrender by thousands of Westerners with graduate degrees, careers and trust funds.

Price: $15.00

Cranston, Sylvia
Book Number: 31521
ISBN: 0517554968
Publisher: New York Julian Press1984
8vo hardcover 399pp index, b/w illus. very good, fep clipped. / very good d/w. Bibliography.

Price: $22.00

The Earth Is But One Country
John, Huddleston
Book Number: 4372
Publisher: The National Spiritual Assembly of the Baha'is of the United Kingdom, 1988
8vo. Hardcover. 308pp. + b/w plates. Index. Very good /Very Good d/w.

Price: $12.00

The Garden of Kama and Other Love Lyrics from India
Hope, Laurence.
Book Number: 33958
Publisher: Heinemann, London. 1914
8vo. paper covered boards with cloth spine. hardcover.174pp. good, wear to cover corners, cover soiled, foxing.

Price: $15.00

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