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There are 57 books in this catalogue.
Savage Girls and Wild Boys: A History of Feral Children
Newton, Michael
Book Number: 42308
ISBN: 0571201393
Publisher: Faber & Faber 2002
8vo hardcover 284pp index, b/w illus. very good+ / very good+ d/w.

Price: $10.00

Sex and Gender
Archer, John and Barbara Lloyd
Book Number: 43204
ISBN: 0521635330
Publisher: Cambridge University Press August 12, 2002
8vo softcover 294pp very good. This second edition of John Archer and Barbara Lloydas Sex and Gender is extremely wide-ranging and tackles challenging theoretical issues, including the ultimate origins of sex differences in human behavior. In bringing social, developmental, and evolutionary theories to bear on many different types of female and male behaviors, Archer and Lloyd have produced an intellectually sophisticated text. Yet, the writing is engaging and accessible to undergraduates. Another plus is that the research covered in the book stems from a wide range of cultures. This is a truly outstanding book! Sex and Gender (2nd edt.) is a substantially revised edition of a classic text. Adopting a balanced approach to the often controversial study of sex differences, the authors introduce the reader to the fundamental questions relating to sex and gender in an accessible way. Drawing on the latest research, new developments are explored such as the rise of evolutionary psychology and the influence of Social Role Theory as well as new psychoanalytic and ethno-methodological approaches which have all contributed to a greater understanding of the complex nature of masculinity and femininity.

Price: $30.00

Psychology at Work
Warr, Peter (Editor)
Book Number: 43312
ISBN: 0140136797
Publisher: Penguin Books Ltd July 25, 1991
8vo softcover 448pp very good. Workload, Training, Computers, Leadership, Ergonomics, Negotiation, Stress, Rest.

Price: $8.00

Slim to None : A Journey Through the Wasteland of Anorexia Treatment
Hendricks, Jennifer
Book Number: 44539
ISBN: 0071433716
Publisher: McGraw-Hill 2003
8vo softcover 312pp index, b/w illus. very good.

Price: $15.00

Psychology and Primitive Culture
Bartlett, F.C.
Book Number: 46198
ISBN: 837132444
Publisher: Greenwood Press, 1970
8vo. brown cloth hardcover. 294pp. index. Very good+. / No D/W.

Price: $15.00

Unexpected Legacy of Divorce
Wallerstein, Judith Et Al
Book Number: 49204
ISBN: 073227043X
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers June 28, 2001
8vo softcover 347pp near fine. Twenty-five years ago, when the impact of divorce on children was not well understood, Wallerstein began what has now become the largest study on the subject, and this book, presents the psychologist's startling findings. By tracking approximately 100 children as they forge their lives as adults, she has found that contrary to the popular belief that kids would bounce back after the initial pain of their parents' split, children of divorce often continue to suffer well into adulthood. Their pain plays out in their relationships, their work lives and their confidence about parenting themselves. Wallerstein argues that although the situation is dire, there is hope to be found at the end of good counseling and healing.

Price: $10.00

Primary Objective: Neuro-Linguistic Psychology and Guerrilla Warfare
Horton, William D.
Book Number: 51767
ISBN: 1573531162
Publisher: Eschaton Productions Inc. 1998
8vo softcover 202pp. very good+.

Price: $10.00

Alternatives Beyond Psychiatry
Stastny, Peter (Other Contributor), Peter Lehmann, Preface by Robert Whitaker.
Book Number: 52687
ISBN: 0978839919
Publisher: Peter Lehmann Pub. January 2007
8vo softcover 431pp near fine. New in wrapper. The great book of alternatives to psychiatry around the world. (Ex-) users and survivors of psychiatry, therapists, psychiatrists, lawyers, social scientists and relatives report about their alternative work, their successes, their individual and collective experiences. The book highlights alternatives beyond psychiatry, current possibilities of self-help for individuals experiencing madness, and strategies toward implementing humane treatment. These are some of the questions, which are addressed by the 61 authors—(ex-) users and survivors of psychiatry, medical practitioners, therapists, lawyers, social scientists, psychiatrists and relatives from all continents: What helps me if I go mad? How can I find trustworthy help for a relative or a friend in need? How can I protect myself from coercive treatment? As a family member or friend, how can I help? What should I do if I can no longer bear to work in the mental health field? What are the alternatives to psychiatry? How can I get involved in creating alternatives? Assuming psychiatry would be abolished, what do you propose instead?

Price: $30.00

Child Care and the Psychology of Development
Singer, Elly
Book Number: 57231
ISBN: 041505592X
Publisher: Routledge, 1992
8vo. softcover. 180pp. index. b/w illus. Very good+.

Price: $15.00

Creating Minds: An Anatomy of Creativity Seen Through the Lives of Freud, Einstein, Picasso, Stravinsky, Eliot, Graham, and Gandhi
Gardner, Howard
Book Number: 54359
Publisher: Basic Books, 1993.
8vo. softcver. 464pp. index, b/w illus. very good, cover corners slightly curled.

Price: $18.00

My Brush with Depression - The Greg Wilson Story
Cootes, Aaron and Greg Wilson
Book Number: 55450
ISBN: 1877029912
Publisher: Pennon Publishing 2005
8vo. Hardcover in d/w. 281pp. Index. Illustrated with colour photo's. Signed by Author on title page.

Price: $10.00

Psychiatric Ethics (Third Edition)
Bloch, Sidney; Chodoff, Paul & Green, Stephen A. (editors)
Book Number: 55498
ISBN: 0192628992
Publisher: Oxford University Press, 1999
Large 8vo. softcover. 550pp. index. Very good.

Price: $20.00

Sense Ability: Expanding Your Sense of Awareness for a Twenty-First-Century Life
Helmering, Doris Wild
Book Number: 54515
ISBN: 068816093X
Publisher: Eagle Brook July 1999
8vo softcover 260pp very good. Launching each chapter with a diagnostic question ("Do You Know How to Love?" "Do You Get Too Angry?" "Are You a Controlling Person?" "Do You Suffer from Anxiety and Depression?"), Helmering helps readers investigate and fine-tune their habits of mind.

Price: $12.00

A Child Is Being Killed: On Primary Narcissism and the Death Drive
LeClaire, Serge
Book Number: 56284
ISBN: 0804731411
Publisher: Stanford University Press 1975
8vo. softcover. 88pp. index. Very good.

Price: $6.00

Final Analysis : The Making and Unmaking of a Psychoanalyst
Masson, Jeffrey
Book Number: 56856
ISBN: 000637582
Publisher: Fontana 1992
8vo. softcover. 212pp. Good+, page edges browned.

Price: $10.00

Images of Freud
Richards, Barry
Book Number: 57155
ISBN: 0460024906
Publisher: Dent, London, 1989
8vo. softcover. 211pp. index. Very good.

Price: $15.00

Jacques Lacan
Lemaire, Anika
Book Number: 57166
ISBN: 0710003501
Publisher: Routledge and Kegan Paul, London, 1986.
8vo. softcover. 266pp. index. Very good.

Price: $15.00

Subjectivity and Method in Psychology: Gender, Meaning and Science
Hollway, Wendy
Book Number: 57164
ISBN: 0803982089
Publisher: SAGE Publications, Ltd., 1989.
8vo. softcover. 150pp. index. Very good.

Price: $15.00

Freud, the Man and the Cause
Clark, Ronald William
Book Number: 57156
ISBN: 0224017454
Publisher: Cape, London, 1980.
8vo. hardcover. 652pp. index, b/w illus. Very good, 3 small spots on outer page edges. / Very good d/w.

Price: $22.00

Freudianism and the Literary Mind
Hoffman, Frederick J
Book Number: 57160
Publisher: Grove Press, 1959.
8vo. softcover. 350pp. index. Very good.

Price: $15.00

Mystics and Militants: A Study of Awareness, Identity and Social Action
Curle Adam
Book Number: 21462
Publisher: London: Tavistock Publications, 1972
8vo. hardcover. 121pp. index. very good. / very good d/w.

Price: $25.00

The Analysis of Handwriting: Personality and Character (Miscellaneous)
Simpson, Diane
Book Number: 33696
ISBN: 0713655097
Publisher: A & C Black 1985
Small 4to softcover 144pp index, b/w illus. very good. Covered in clear adhesive plastic.

Price: $10.00

Master Teaching Techniques; Neuro-Linguistic Programming
Cleveland, Bernard F.
Book Number: 45185
ISBN: 096086783X
Publisher: Connecting Link Press, 1987
4to. softcover. 244pp. index. very good.

Price: $25.00

Developmental Psychology - From Infancy to Childhood
White, Hayes, Livesey
Book Number: 58991
ISBN: 1741032318
Publisher: Pearson Prentice Hall 2005
4to. Softcover. 468pp. Near fine.

Price: $35.00

Portrait of an Officer
Simon, Pierre-Henri - Translated by Humphrey Hare
Book Number: 49246
Publisher: Secker & Warburg 1961
8vo. Hardcover in d/w. very good. 154pp. This book, supremely Gallic in its intellectual approach and the clarity of its dialectic, is probably the most important work on military psychology that has been published since 1835.

Price: $15.00

Who Needs Light?
May, Katherine E.
Book Number: 62082
ISBN: 978-1468507010
Publisher: Author House 2011
Trade paperback. 500pp. Near fine. Who Needs Light? is a prescription for what ails "the general suffering public" in our families and communities throughout the world's philosophically Cartesian cultures where thought is seen as more valuable than emotion. Beginning with infant brain development, the author identifies startlingly familiar influences of Darkness from a new point of view-that of the difference between Head People and Heart People. The book includes a guide which defines the characteristics and habits of Abusive Personality Types. In lay terms, it shows how to identify and avoid these archetypal "Children of Darkness" wherever one might find them. Dr. May uses case studies, meditative exercises, original poetry, science and oral history to lead us stepbystep through the oppressive forces of materialism, selfcenteredness and authoritarian religions which have shaped our presentday civilization. Her final vision is one of hope and radical spiritual evolution.

Price: $22.00

The secret ring: Freud's inner circle and the politics of psychoanalysis (Unknown Binding)
Grosskurth, Phyllis
Book Number: 57240
ISBN: 0201090376
Publisher: Addison-Wesley 1991
8vo hardcover 245pp index, b/w illus. very good / very good d/w. From Kirkus Reviews Aided by previously undisclosed correspondence, Grosskurth (Havelock Ellis, 1980, etc.; Humanities and Psychoanalytic Thought/Univ. of Toronto) takes the story of the brilliant, wildly neurotic men who contrived to safeguard Freudian thought and turns it into an intriguing psychological saga-cum-tragicomedy of manners. The Secret Committee, conceived in 1912 as a united front against the apostasy of Carl Jung and sealed by Freud's bestowal of antique intaglios, became, notes Grosskurth, a metaphor for the psychoanalytic movement itself...a cult of personality with Freud acting as both guru and distant, demanding father. Avidly submitting one another (and assorted romantic interests) to frequently scathing and self-justifying formal and informal analyses, Austrians Otto Rank and Hans Sachs, Hungarian Sandor Ferenczi, German Karl Abraham, and Welshman Ernest Jones, joined later by Russian-born German Max Eitingon, functioned as surrogate sons within a strikingly dysfunctional family--marked by sabotage, manipulation, and aggressively infantile jostling. Treating her story as a study of group pathology, Grosskurth uses pointed quotes to show how all of her subjects, especially Freud, used jargon as a cover for real feeling. Sadder still was the adored Freud's puzzling lack of support (he refused to be ``burdened'' by the ideas of others) and human empathy (e.g., failing to comprehend the sensitive Ferenczi's sorrow at his mother's death). Inevitably, as Freud predicted in Totem and Taboo, the anointed sons went their own ways, with, ironically, Freud's biological child, Anna, emerging as his staunchest defender.

Price: $18.00