Garden & Plants Books
There are 138 books in this catalogue.
Orchids and How To Grow Them.
Willoughby, Adelaide C.
Book Number: 7186
Publisher: NY: Oxford, 1950, 1st.
Clothbound, 8vo, 135 pp + plates. - unmarked copy, no d/w. Numerous photos and layouts for greenhouses on 16 b&w plates, colour frontis. life secrets, orchid family, housing, orchid balance, potting, resting, pests and diseases, growing from seed, gravel culture, hybrids, list of orchids prize-winning hybrids, index.
Price: $15.00
Succulents for the Amateur
Brown, J.R., White, Allen, Sloane, Boyle Reynolds, G.W. & Haselton (Ed.), Illustrated by Illus W/Photographs
Book Number: 7253
Publisher: Pasadena: Abbey Garden Press, 1955
Introducing the Beginner to More than 800 fascinating Succulent Plants Illustrating 400 with Photographs. Blue Cloth. 3rd Printing. VG/no DJ Grey blue cloth, slight shelf wear, Nursery stamp on fep, otherwise clean and unmarked copy.
Price: $15.00